Per Soon Larsen

Per Soon Larsen

Per Soon Larsen specialises in the sale or purchase of real estate (M&A real estate), including the development of property projects and establishment of various forms of collaboration. 

Per is recognised by The Legal 500 within ’Real Estate and Construction’. 

Per provides advice to a broad range of clients, including municipalities, pension funds, constructors, property developers and landlords. He is the trusted advisor to a wide range of his regular clients and business partners. 

In recent years, Per has focused on the acquisition and development of properties with various purposes, including residential, logistic and public projects. He has vast experience within portfolio sales of rental properties, including project development of detached and terraced house projects targeted at major Danish and foreign investors. 

Per has a wealth of experience in the conclusion of contracts in Danish and English, including contract management and risk coverage in connection with the purchase and sales process.

In addition to his engagement within M&A real estate and project development, Per has experience within mediation and conducts lawsuits and arbitration proceedings relating to real estate. 

Currently, Per is a professional board member and Chairman of the Board of Directors a property development company.  

Executive MBA, AVT Business School
2024 - 2026
INSEAD Executive Board Programme
Prince2, Project Management, Axelos Global Best Practice
LL.M., International Business Law, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas
Admitted to the Danish Bar
Master of Law, Aarhus University

Byggesocietetet (the Danish Society for Construction and Real Estate), BS Group 32, the group steering committee 

American Chamber of Commerce in Denmark 

Network within purchase and sale of development and investment properties by JUC (a Danish legal training centre)

Recent highlights
  • Per has acted for the Municipalities of Aarhus and Middelfart on the sale and purchase of properties and in connection with urban development matters, including regarding innovative models in relation to invitations to tender for building rights as well as the establishment of owners’ and houseowners’ associations. 
  • Per has acted for Milton Huse A/S on the completion of several development matters and turnkey projects for end investors, including the sale of logistics properties. 
  • Per acted for Milton Huse A/S in connection with the foundation of the Danish-Swedish property group Kronhusene A/S. 
  • Per acted for DUAS Bolig A/S on the sale of 66 turnkey terraced houses, which the property company had constructed and let out, as well as on the development of other projects.
Career highlights

Partner, DLA Piper Denmark, since 2021 

Attorney, Poul Schmith/Kammeradvokaten (the legal advisor to the Danish Government), 2018-2021 

Secondment, Gide Loyrette Nouel Law Firm, Paris, 2017

Attorney, Kromann Reumert, 2015-2018

Assistant Attorney, Kromann Reumert, 2012-2015 

Positions of trust

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Triton Ejendomme A/S, since 2021 

Member of the Board of Directors, Milton Huse A/S, since 2024

Legal 500

Per Soon Larsen is recognized by The Legal 500 as 'Next Generation Partner' within 'Real Estate and Construction'.

"The individuals I have worked with at DLA give the impression that they are not just delivering services because it’s their job, but because they have a personal interest in successfully completing the projects. I have rarely encountered such a high standard and level of efficiency as what has been delivered by DLA. I have primarily worked with Partner Per Soon Larsen, who deserves the highest praise."

"Per Soon Larsen is a rising star. He has good connections and delivers results."

"Per Soon Larsen stands out when it comes to efficiency, and he is a very valued adviser to us."

"The team at DLA Piper is very skilled. they have a high level of knowledge -and they know how to use it. Within DLA Piper there is an expert for all potential questions and areas."