Rajvinder Singh Bains

Rajvinder Singh Bains (Raj) har omfattende erfaring med arbeidsrettslige problemstillinger for næringslivet. Han bistår norske og internasjonale klienter med avtaler, omorganisering og nedbemanning, virksomhetsoverdragelse, pensjon, incentivordninger og konkurranseklausuler mv. Han arbeider også med personvernrettslige problemstillinger.
Raj har betydelig erfaring med tvisteløsning ved domstolene, både som dommerfullmektig og prosessadvokat. Han holder jevnlig kurs- og foredrag og er sensor for arbeidsrett ved Universitetet i Oslo.
Raj behersker engelsk, hindi, punjabi og norsk flytende.
Medlem i Den Norske Advokatforening.
'Rajivinder Bains is easy to work with, and is very business oriented, giving clear and practical advice.’
‘Rajvinder Bains has been and continues to be a very appreciated resource with DLA in Norway. He is always available, obviously very knowledgeable, provides both valuable strategic as well as operational sound advice, and is overall a core asset for us as customers when cooperating with DLA.’
Rajvinder er anbefalt innenfor Employment av The Legal 500, 2025.

Rajvinder Singh Bains advises on a variety of employment matters, including employee transfers and reorganisations.
'Rajvinder Singh Bains has strong focus and is solution-oriented.'
'Rajvinger appears confident in the role and advises in a way that makes the process go better than expected.'
Rangert som 'Up and Coming' innenfor Employment av Chambers and Partners, 2025.

Rajvinder er anbefalt innenfor Employment av The Legal 500, 2024.

Joining the rankings as an up-and-coming practitioner, Rajvinder Singh Bains advises on a variety of employment matters, including employee transfers and reorganisations.
Rangert som 'Up and Coming' innenfor Employment av Chambers and Partners, 2025.

‘Rajvinder Singh Bains is unique in this industry. He provides precise, tailor made, valuable advice.’
Rajvinder er anbefalt innenfor Employment av The Legal 500, 2023.

‘Rajvinder Singh Bains – our main contact in the employment practice – is driven by a sound winning spirit. He has the great capacity to promptly understand complex scenarios and counterpart strategies. Moreover, Singh Bains has the ability to remain calm and serves as a catalyst even in the most pressing of times by adding a positive and optimistic touch to the matters discussed.’
Rajvinder er anbefalt innenfor Employment av The Legal 500, 2021.

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