Laura Lysholm Haugland

Laura Lysholm Haugland

Laura Lysholm Haugland deals primarily with employment law and real estate, and additionally she is experienced within construction law, environmental law and criminal law. 

Within real estate, Laura primarily advises on construction law and building rights, including dispute resolution in connection with legal and arbitration proceedings between construction-industry players concerning work carried out, including correct payment for work carried out and aspects of time within construction projects as well as time-barring. 

Within employment law, Laura primarily advises Danish and international clients on all aspects of Danish employment and labour law and in connection with dispute resolution within this area. 

Laura’s advisory services focus on employment contracts, changes of conditions, discrimination and equal treatment issues, executive service agreements, staff policies and severance agreements. 

Laura also undertakes pro bono work for a number of organisations within all areas of employment law as well as other practice areas, including immigration law. Laura mainly advises contractors, including main contractors, sub-contractors and design-build contractors. She also advises owners and consumers. 

Furthermore, Laura advises particularly employers on the employment and dismissal of employees, including adjustment of labour law policies and workplace conditions. 

Master of Law, Aalborg University
Studies at Reykjavik University

Advokatfuldmægtigforeningen i København (AFFK) (the Copenhagen assistant attorneys’ and young attorneys’ association) 

Recent highlights
  • Laura provides advice on construction law to an owners' association, which had, as the owner, arranged for extensive renovation of the property's common areas and masonry. In connection with the renovation, there were a number of construction defects, which are the subject of a pending lawsuit. Laura assists in the trial, including in expert survey proceedings. 
  • Laura provides advice in connection with dispute resolution to a contractor that carried out a major roof-work project, during which water penetrated into the building, and the parties have held an expert survey to determine liability. 
  • Laura advises a major employer on employment law in connection with the dismissal of an executive, which involves disagreement on issues such as the calculation of bonus.
Career highlights

Assistant Attorney, DLA Piper Denmark, since 2022 

Law Student, IDA - The Danish Society of Engineers, 2021-2022 

Student Instructor, Department of Law, Aalborg University, 2020 

Law Student, Dalsgaard Law Firm, 2019 

Positions of trust

Board member, Advokatfuldmægtigforeningen i København (AFFK) (the Copenhagen assistant attorneys and young attorneys’ association), since 2024