DLA Piper advises Corum Asset Management on entry to the Norwegian real estate market

26 Nov 2019

Corum has, on behalf of its fund Corum XL, closed its first transaction in the Norwegian market, acquiring the recently developed Elverum retail park in Norway.

The retail park comprises ca 11,180 m² of retail space and the tenants include Rusta, Elkjøp, Power, Byggmaker, Europris and Thansen.

"We are pleased that we can expand our presence in the Nordic area with our entry into the Norwegian real estate market after having successfully been investing into the Finnish market for a few years. We intend to further expand our investments in the region the coming year.”, says Philippe Cervesi, Corum AM, Investment Director in a press release.

The DLA Piper team was led by partner Bjørn Slaatta, who were assisted by lead lawyer Ola Nordvang Rundfloen (Real Estate) and associates Ingvild Botterli (Construction), Elisabeth Fredheim Faanes (Planning) and Simen H. Stokka (Corporate) .

Renger Investment Management (RIM) acted as financial advisors. 

Corum Asset Management is a French Investment Company managing approximatively EUR 3 bn, spread in 16 countries in Europe. Corum AM will continue to invest into real estate the coming years within all asset classes, everywhere in Europe, all equity. 

Read the full press release from RIM.