Cybersecurity: New War, New Rules?

03 Aug 2020

Our Luxembourg office and the IAPP Luxembourg Chapter recently held their first international cybersecurity summit under the theme “Cybersecurity: new war, new rules? Tales from the trenches and more”.

Leading experts from the US and Europe, including colleagues from the US and Poland, provided the audience with an insight on the full value chain of cybersecurity.

Watch the video shot earlier this year during the summit with the insight of leading cybersecurity experts.

The summit was divided into five parts:

  • Cybersecurity in Europe: has the legislator finally caught up?

    The summit kicked off with a presentation by Ewa Kurowska-Tober (Partner, Intellectual Property and Technology, DLA Piper) and Łukasz Czynienik (Counsel, Intellectual Property and Technology, DLA Piper) on the impact the European legal and regulatory framework has on personal data and data security.

  • Regulation meets reality: keep calm and deal with it

    Keynote speaker Pascal Steichen, CEO at SECURITYMADEINLU, an economic interest group created by the Ministry of the Economy of Luxembourg to promote cybersecurity, discussed the latest insights on the challenges of coping with the complex legal and regulatory framework.

  • Cybersecurity: cost… or investment?

    The first panel discussion brought together experts of the highest calibre including Ryan Dodd (CEO of Cyberhedge), Kenneth Pentimonti (principal and European manager, Paladin Capital Group), Pascal Bouvier (co-founder, Middlegame Ventures) and Ghislain Terrier (Investment manager, European Investment Fund). With their help, we explored how venture capitalists will keep the internet sane.

  • Deep in the cyber-trenches: let a former US Department of Justice federal cybercrime prosecutor lead you out of the dark with some “war” stories

    Keynote speaker, Ed McAndrew (Partner, Tech Data and Commercial) based in the US, discussed his adventures as a former US DOJ federal cybercrime prosecutor.

  • Cyber incident: post-mortem

    During the last panel, Dolores Perez (Head of Group Data Protection at Quintet Private Bank), Jelena Matone (Senior Unit Head, Operational Risk and CISO, European Investment Bank), Ed McAndrew and Pascal Steichen provided insights and practical tips on how to handle a data breach.